
About Eileen Peters 
Founder, Author, Editor and Publisher of 
Pets-N-More Website

Eileen Peters is an animal advocate and a voice for the voiceless.

She has been an advocate for more than two decades advocating for the rights of animals, pet food awareness, social justice for animals and environmental issues, which led her into creating the Pets-N-More website — to empower people with solutions for a healthy pet, educate the public about the care of pets, advocating “No Kill” Shelters, and issues dealing with animals on this planet.

She is a champion for pets who are homeless, abused and “thrown away”, and she continues her tireless efforts in volunteering at Animal Rescue Groups and Shelters, endlessly networking to save animals and educating the public about helpless and voiceless animals of our society.

About Her Online Store

The Pets-N-More Online Store is run through Spreadshirt which adheres to strict ethical manufacturing standards. Spreadshirt strives to earn respect from all of its employees, customers, partners, and stakeholders.

To accomplish this, they must make decisions that reflect economic, social, and environmental responsibilities. Spreadshirt’s ethical policies guide their teams in decisions related to Business Relations, Customer Relations, Workers’ Rights, Environmental Awareness and Printed Designs.

More information regarding Spreadshirts Ethical Guidelines can be found here.

A portion of the proceeds from all sales in the store go directly to support animal causes. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Message From the Publisher

Dear Reader,

The purpose of this website is to provide insightful and accurate reporting on animal subjects and issues that need to be brought to your attention. We want to challenge conventional wisdom.

We seek to offer a solid and reliable resource for those of you who want to explore particular topics about pets, environmentalism, social justice for all animals and to offer solutions to embrace a natural, kill-free life for animals everywhere.

Thank you for being a part of  Pets-N-More!

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My Websites:

Amazing Quotes

Affiliate links and ads appear on this site. The few cents this site may make from your purchase helps to contribute to animal shelters. I thank you!

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