
Traveling with your Pooch

Photo by Tim Gouw on

Every year it happens. Millions of families headed out for their yearly vacation face the question of “what do we do about our pet.” If on vacation, should you take him or leave him? As a trusted member of the family, your pet is entitled to share in all of the fun where you are going. Some pets can take all the fun out of going on vacation. Think really hard whether you want to take fido along for the ride! A couple of weeks in a  well-run, well kept boarding kennel might be your dog’s idea of a perfect vacation!Your pet should be very familiar riding in a car before you consider taking him on a long trip. After a few times riding around most dogs overcome motion sickness and begin to enjoy riding in your car. If your pet continues to get sick or restless, consider a boarding him. Taking a sick or unhappy dog with you on a trip will be miserable for you AND your pet.

Ok. So you decide to take your pet along anyway. Keep in mind these tips when traveling with your dog:

1. When making hotel reservations, make sure you do it well in advance, and let the hotel know that you will have a dog with you. This definitely will save you time and aggravation. Most Auto clubs and hotel/motel guides will list facilities that accept pets.

2. Take along your pet’s food bowl. Your pet will feel at home and be more comfortable with his surroundings if you use his regular bowl. Try not to feed your pet for at least six hours or more before you decide to travel. Many dogs will travel better if you feed on this schedule. Also take along his favorite blanket, pillow or bed. This will be his travel bed in the car and motel. The familiar smell will make him feel at home and not be anxious.

3. Another really good idea would be to bring along and wear two collars: Make sure there is an identification tag on one and your local dog license on the other. Even if one collar gets lost, someone could identify him with the other.

4. Bring along a can of flea powder. Your pet may start out without a single flea, but he could pick some up along the way. You don’t want fleas in your car, and the hotel or motel doesn’t want them either.

5. Some dogs love to hang their heads out the window while you are driving. Don’t allow this, as bits of debris could get into the eyes. Your dog may also get nasal and eye inflammation from the strong wind. It’s just good practice to keep him inside the vehicle and keep the windows partly closed so that he is not tempted to stick his head out.

If you plan on traveling between multiple states, check with your veterinarian or your local humane society to find whether proof of rabies vaccinations and a health certificate may be required. Most states require some form of proof in order to travel with your pet.

Remember that, wherever you go, you are responsible for your pets conduct. The impression you make on hotel and motel managers will determine their attitude toward all dogs and dog owners. By planning ahead and observing the rules of courtesy, you can take your dog with you anywhere. If your pet enjoys car travel, you and your family can a expect a most enjoyable trip.

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