
3 Legged Dog Helps Boy Overcome His Fears

Seven year old Owen Hoskins was so fearful about going outside that he could not leave his house

As The Sun notes, he was withdrawn from socializing to the point that his stepmother, Colleen Drummond, said that Owen “was practically agoraphobic” and feared to be around other people.

But then a three legged dog named Haatchi an Anatolian Shepard came into his life and everything changed.

Owen has a rare genetic condition, Schwarts-Jampel Syndrome, which makes his muscles permanently tense (affecting his mobility) and can cause some facial abnormalities, among other complications.

His parents, Drummond and Will Hoskins, read about Haatchi on Facebook and adopted the dog from the RSPCA. Like Owen, Haatchi had what The Sun says was a “difficult start in life.”

“Difficult” is actually a complete understatement: Ten months ago, Haatchi was found tied to a railway line. He had been hit by a train and was found “cowering, with a mangled tail and back leg.” Amazingly, he survived all that trauma. A veterinarian operated on Haatchi and had to amputate his tail and one of his legs.

Haatchi had an immediate effect on Owen once they met. Once scared of strangers, Owen “now wants to talk to everyone about Haatchi and wants to go out all the time to dog shows,” enthuses Drummond who adds that “the difference we see in [Owen] can’t be put into words.”

Haatchi has helped with Owen’s medical needs which can require hospitalization. Haatchi even takes “medicine” (a mix of manuka honey, salmon oil and supplements) to help Owen take his.

For his (another understatement!) positive impact on Owen’s life, Haatchi won an award from the International Fund for Animal Welfare which was presented at an Animal Action Awards event at the House of Lord.

Victoria Stillwell of the popular TV show “It’s Me or the Dog”. 

He has also completed training as a Pets as Therapy dog and will visit soldiers injured in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as children who are terminally ill.

Most of all, Haatchi has opened up the world for Owen. Here’s a video of Haatchi playing with his first toy.

It has to be said – Hats off to Haatchi!

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Animal News, Cat Dials 911 and Saves Owner

Cat Dials 911 and Saves Owner

When police officer Patrick Daughtery entered the home of Gary Rosheisen in December 2005, he was surprised by what he found.

The cat’s owner, Gary Rosheisen, was on the ground near his bed having fallen out of his wheelchair.

Rosheisen said his cat, Tommy, must have hit the right buttons to call 911.

“I know it sounds kind of weird,” Officer Patrick Daugherty said, unsuccessfully searching for some other explanation.

Rosheisen said he couldn’t get up because of pain from osteoporosis and ministrokes that disrupt his balance. He also wasn’t wearing his medical-alert necklace and couldn’t reach a cord above his pillow that alerts paramedics that he needs help.

Daugherty said police received a 911 call from Rosheisen’s apartment, but there was no one on the phone. Police called back to make sure everything was OK, and when no one answered, they decided to check things out.

That’s when Daugherty found Tommy next to the phone on the floor.

Rosheisen got the cat three years ago to help lower his blood pressure. He tried to train him to call 911, unsure if the training ever stuck.

The phone in the living room is always on the floor, and there are 12 small buttons — including a speed dial for 911 right above the button for the speaker phone.

Rosheisen later said he had tried to teach Tommy to call 911 years before, but was unsure whether it worked…until that day. “He’s my hero,” Rosheisen said.

Dogs, Cats, Bunnies, Ferrets and Birds can be adopted from the Humane Society, ASPCA, bred, adopted from a Rescue Group or rescued off the street, their contribution to the household they are in, is invaluable.

Animal News, Dog Brought Back to Life

Dog Poisoned, Buried and Brought Back To Life

Ethan, a Jack Russell terrier in France had a miraculous escape from death. This happened in Charleville-Mezieres, a town about 125 miles northeast of Paris.

Ethan was dug up by a man who was walking on a lakeside pedestrian path and noticed that the ground was moving, apparently the

result of convulsions from the dog’s poisoning. The man then got a shovel and dug the dog up. Lucky Ethan — not every random person strolling through the park would react that way!

The anonymous man called firefighters who rushed the shivering dog to a vet who was able to nurse the dog back to life. The terrier was subsequently identified through a microchip that showed all this happened on his third birthday.

“It’s extraordinary. We only see this in TV movies,” said veterinarian Philippe Michon. “He came back to life and without a scratch. It’s rather miraculous.”

The vet said when firemen brought the dirt-covered terrier to his office “he was completely cold, he was barely breathing.”

Michon used hot water bottles to warm up Ethan’s seemingly lifeless body. The dog was so cold his veins had collapsed and it was hard to find one to hydrate him but within 24 hours the dog was back on his feet.

Ethan is one lucky dog: between an passerby who noticed the ground moving, the firemen, and a caring veterinarian, the terrier is bouncing with life.

But that leaves the question: why did Ethan end up poisoned and in a shallow grave to begin with?

Sabina Zamora, president of an animal association in Charleville-Mezieres, Ethan’s owner says he had given the dog away but police are investigating.

France has a remarkable system of  health care for people, with all their medical information encoded on to a single computer chip. It’s great to know that animals are covered in a similar way.

Hooray for Ethan!

For an Extensive List of Animal Rescue Groups and Shelters click here
Dogs, Cats, Bunnies, Ferrets and Birds can be adopted from the Humane Society, SPCA, bred, adopted from a Rescue Group or rescued off the street, their contribution to the household they are in, is invaluable.

Pet Food Recalls

Recalled Pet Foods Still Making Pets Sick!

Pets across the country are getting sick with what first appears to be a stomach flu. But it turns out you could be poisoning your pet with the food you are serving.

Dave Gibson of Liberty Township, Ohio, loves his border collie, Marley. But Gibson didn’t know what to think when Marley started getting sick a few months back.

“He was exhibiting, you know, gastric distress, diarrhea and some vomiting,” Gibson said. So he gave Marley water and more food. Marley got sicker. That’s when Gibson decided to change the food.

“He immediately began to improve once I switched what brand I was feeding him,” Gibson said. Turned Out to be Bad Food”. A few days later, Gibson heard a news report about a recall at Costco, where he bought Marley’s food.

“A recall had been out there a week before I even knew about it. So I know there are people out there that may not even be aware this recall has been made,” Gibson said.

Marley had been feasting on one of a dozen brands made by Diamond Foods now on a recall list for salmonella. The recall was issued back in April and May of 2012″.

Then Why Are Pets Still Eating It?

The head of the Cincinnati Veterinary Medical Association, Dr. William Bean, has some theories about why many pets may still be eating this food, even though it was officially pulled from the shelves several months ago.

Dr. Bean says the problem is that so many brands are affected, and that many people use up their food slowly.

“There’s more than one brand that’s under the Diamond Foods label, and so it’s important to look at your label carefully to see if it falls under the recall,” Bean said.

Bean said what’s tricky is that symptoms of poisoning come on slowly. “They can have symptoms that don’t show up until 3 to 5 days after they are exposed,” he said, “and people themselves can get ill from handling the food.”

The Centers for Disease Control said more than 20 people have become sick from touching the salmonella infected food.

Partial List of Brands Recalled 

  • Diamond 
  • Canidae 
  • Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul 
  • Country Value 
  • Premium Edge 
  • Professional 
  • 4 Health 
  • Taste of the Wild 
  • Kirkland Signature Food sold in Eastern and Southern states (States west of Georgia and Pennsylvania are not affected by the Kirkland recall)
Scroll down for a complete list of recalls from the FDA, including  recent Updates.

May Still Have Food in Cupboard

But Dave Gibson worries many people are still using these. “Somebody might have a 50-pound bag and be using just a small amount, so they might be using this bag of bad dog food in their cupboard.”

If you have any of the above foods, stop using it immediately. Diamond Pet Recall has much more information on all brands and date codes.


You may have heard in the news that over 600 dogs have died and over 3,500 so far are sick which is linked to jerky treats made in China, as per federal animal health officials (this was released 10/22/13). 

They have also identified that this affects cats – with more than a dozen being affected to date.

(Natural News) In the wake of yet another wave of animals deaths caused by tainted pet treats, the FDA has just announced new “Preventive Controls for Food for Animals”, rules that would, for the first time, establish basis manufacturing standard for pet food.
February 2015

January 11, 2013

Purina’s Beneful dog food killing dogs nationwide – 



They are STILL on the shelves of pet stores!!!

IAMS and EUKANUBA pet food recalled for salmonella risk.
Not only could tainted food be harmful to the pets, it could be harmful to the people who feed their pets! Read the entire story as reported by Bay New 9

Click here to see all the different
types of pet food that have been recalled.

A recall has been issued for several varieties of popular Eukanuba and Iams pet food that was sold mostly on the East Coast, but also across the nation.

CLICK HERE to read more, and find out how to get a replacement voucher.

Read this article from the Pet Poison Helpline…it could save a life!

This report states that Chicken Jerky Treats made in China may be linked to kidney disease in dogs resulting in death.

If you buy pet treats made in China, you are murdering your pet 

Read the label…if it is made in CHINA, do not buy it!

Beloved Yorkie dies from eating WAGGIN TRAIN DOG TREATS

Dogs Died from Waggin’ Train Dog Treats, Class Action Lawsuit… Read more 

To read Facebook posts/comments click here

NATURE’S RECIPE voluntarily recalls Nature’s Recipe Oven Baked Biscuits with Real Chicken due to possible salmonella contamination.

Some 500 dogs and nine cats may have died after eating chicken jerky pet treats made in China, according to updated complaints logged by federal veterinary health officials. 

A new tally of reports filed with the Food and Drug Administration shows the agency has received 2,674 reports of illness involving 3,243 dogs, including 501 deaths. The agency also has received reports of nine illnesses in cats, including one death, the FDA said.

The Bottom Line

Be alert when buying pet food and treats, of any notices in the store about a recall. Your pets will thank you.

The FDA has a complete list of the dog and cat food recalls since 2007. Check this list to see if the food and treats your feeding your pet is there. The FDA just came out with the new 2015 UPDATES.

In order to make sure that your pet’s food is safe, it’s always highly recommended that you check the FDA’s pet food recall website. This will help you to stay updated on the latest pet food recall information.

Most commercial pet foods contain shocking ingredients. What are you really feeding your pets? Do you  know what meat/chicken meal is or exactly what are  by-products? Just to mention a few of the harmful ingredients listed….Read the label! Buyer Beware!

In early 2015, the law firm of Morgan and Morgan filed a class-action lawsuit against Purina over ingredients found in their line of Beneful dog food. Despite this lawsuit — and the thousands of complaints of kidney failure that led to it — the products remain available to purchase at a store near you.


Petco Pulls Pet Treats Made In China 
January 7, 2015

                                       Recommended Reading:

Amazing Things Our Pets Teach Us [Video Included]

Our pets know how to “live life” by their basic instincts. Our everyday life is filled with work, chores, finances and mind cluttering thoughts about yesterday, today and the future.

We can re-learn these basic instincts from our pets and live a healthier and happier life.

Watch your pets and learn to….


Goofing off is not just for kids and kittens. In his book, “Play” Stuart Brown, MD, writes that playing is a basic human need along with sleeping and eating. Play enhances intelligence, creativity, problem-solving, and social skills. So take a cue from your pet and devote yourself to an activity that has no purpose other than sheer fun.

Enjoy the Great Outdoors 

A hike in the woods may be a dog’s idea of bliss, but it has plenty of benefits for the human mind and body as well. Spending time outdoors can enhance fitness, increase vitamin D levels, and reduce stress. In children, playing in natural settings has also been linked to better distance vision, fewer ADHD symptoms, and better performance in school.

Make Time to Groom

Aside from the obvious health benefits of bathing and brushing your teeth, grooming can have a number of positive effects on your life. Good personal hygiene is vital to self-esteem. A tidy appearance can also help you get and maintain a job and keep a relationship “alive”.


Be Aware of Body Language

Dogs and cats are excellent at reading each other’s intent from body language. Humans, not so much. While most of us do reveal our emotions through posture, speech patterns, and eye contact, other people generally aren’t very good at reading those cues. People get better at decoding body language as they get older.

Stick to a Schedule 

Pets like the consistency of a routine – they can’t tell a Saturday from a Monday. The same goes for the human body clock. People sleep better if they go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Sticking to a consistent schedule for bathing, dressing, and eating can also improve the quality of sleep.

Stretch Often 

Stretching will keep you limber, but the benefits don’t stop there. 
In a 10-week study, volunteers who did no exercise other than stretching experienced surprising physical changes. Besides improving flexibility, they increased their muscle strength, power, and endurance. Although the study was a small one, the results suggest stretching may be a good alternative for people who have a condition that rules out traditional strength-training.

Seek Out Shade

When you’re at the park, and your pooch is ready for a break, she’ll probably find a nice shady spot to relax.

Dermatologists recommend you follow suit, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. That’s when you would soak up the most UV rays, particularly during late spring and early summer. While you’re sheltered in the shade, it’s a good idea to use a broad spectrum sunscreen on exposed skin.

Drink Water When You’re Thirsty

Dogs don’t lap up sports drinks when they’ve been playing hard – and most people don’t need to either. During a typical workout, drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated. Water gives your muscles and tissues critical fluid without adding to your calorie count. Be sure to drink more than usual on hot days or when you’re sweating a lot.


Eat Fish

Most cats would trade kibble for a can of tuna any day. Luckily, you can choose to make fish a regular part of your diet.

Salmon, tuna, trout, and other fatty fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which may reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and arthritis. In addition, Rush University researchers found that people who eat fish at least once a week are 60% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Get a Back Rub 

The power of touch is nothing to sniff at for you and your pet. The Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami and the Miller School of Medicine has found massage therapy can ease pain, give the immune system a boost, and help manage chronic conditions like asthma and diabetes.

The touch of a loved one may be even more powerful. In one study, married women experienced less anxiety over the threat of an electric shock when they held their husbands’ hands.


Research has proven that touching, embracing and hugging, whether it’s from another human or animal improves ones attitude aiding in depression which can improve your health. It has been also been shown that petting an animal lowers blood pressure and can help in rehabilitating the sick and elderly. “A Hug a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”.

Be Silly


Indulging in a little silliness may have serious health benefits. Cardiologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center found a stronger sense of humor in people with healthy hearts than in those who had suffered a heart attack. They conclude that “laughter is the best medicine” – especially when it comes to protecting your heart.

Don’t Hold a Grudge
That’s OK Big Guy, I Forgive You.

Part of living in the moment is letting bygones be bygones. Let go of old grudges, and you’ll literally breathe easier. Chronic anger has been linked to a decline in lung function, while forgiveness contributes to lower blood pressure and reduced anxiety. People who forgive also tend to have higher self-esteem. 


OK, so maybe you don’t have a tail. But you can smile or put a spring in your step when you’re feeling grateful. Researchers have found a strong connection between gratitude and general well-being. In one study, people who kept gratitude journals had better attitudes, exercised more, and had fewer physical complaints. 

Maintain Curiosity

According to a popular saying, curiosity may be hazardous to a cat’s health. But not so for humans. Researchers have found that people who are more curious tend to have a greater sense of meaning in life. Other studies have linked curiosity to psychological well-being and the expansion of knowledge and skills.

Live in the Moment

Living in the moment may be one of the most important lessons we can learn from our pets. In a study called “A Wandering Mind Is an Unhappy Mind,” Harvard psychologists conclude that people are happiest when doing activities that keep the mind focused, such as sex or exercise. Planning, reminiscing, or thinking about anything other than the current activity can undermine happiness.

Forget Multitasking 

When dogs have a job to do, they give it their undivided attention. It turns out people should probably do the same. Stanford researchers found that attention and memory suffer in those who juggle work, email, and web-surfing, compared to those who focus on one task at a time. Other studies suggest employees actually lose time when multitasking. 

Take Naps

You won’t catch your pet going from dawn to dusk without any shut-eye. There’s good evidence humans can benefit from catnaps, too. A study involving about 24,000 people indicates regular nappers are 37% less likely to die from heart disease than people who nap only occasionally. Short naps can also enhance alertness and job performance.

Cultivate Friendships 

People are social animals, and friendships have measurable health benefits. Researchers in Australia followed 1,500 older people for 10 years. Those with the most friends were 22% less likely to die before those with the fewest friends.

Walk Every Day

Regular walks can help you:

  • Fight depression. 
  • Lose weight. 
  • Lower your risk for type 2 diabetes. 
  • Lower the risk of breast and colon cancer. 
  • Keep your bones strong. 
  • Keep your mind sharp.
    If You Love Someone, Show It

Pets don’t play hard to get – when they love you, they show you. It’s a good approach for people seeking to strengthen their relationships. A study published in the journal Personal Relationship suggests small, thoughtful gestures can have a big impact on how connected and satisfied couples feel.



6 Essential Nutrients Cats Need

Top 6 Essential Nutrients Cats Need For Healthy Living – And Why

Cats are obligate carnivores and are very different from dogs and people in their nutritional needs. What does it mean to be an obligate carnivore? It means that cats are strict carnivores that rely on nutrients in animal tissue to meet their specific nutritional requirements.

In their natural habitat, cats are hunters that consume prey high in protein with moderate amounts of fat and minimal amounts of carbohydrates. Cats also require more than a dozen nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids. 
These nutrients are the building blocks of various structural body tissues are essential for chemical reactions (metabolism, catabolism) transport substances into, around, and out of the body; supply energy for growth and maintenance; and provide palatability.

Although many cats are content to eat a single product, some cats may develop finicky eating habits and become very selective about what foods they’ll accept.

Feeding your cat two or three different cat foods provides flavor variety, and may prevent your cat from developing an exclusive preference for a single food, so that if a medical condition dictates a change in diet, your cat may have an easier time adjusting.

Also remember that not eating can lead to serious medical problems in cats. This is true for sick cats that lack an appetite, for cats on a diet, and for the finicky cat that refuses to eat. A veterinarian should examine any cat that refuses to eat and is losing weight.

If you would like to learn about what your cats body needs, and why, here are the six essential classes of nutrients fundamental for healthy living:

1. Water is the most important nutrient.
Essential to life, water accounts for between 60 to 70 percent of an adult pet’s body weight. 

While food may help meet some of your pet’s water needs (dry food has up to 10 percent moisture, while canned food has up to 78 percent moisture), pets need to have fresh clean water available to them at all times. 
A deficiency of water may have serious repercussions for pets: a 10-percent decrease in body water can cause serious illness, while a 15-percent loss can result in death.

2. Proteins
are the basic building blocks for cells, tissues, organs, enzymes, hormones and antibodies, and are essential for growth, maintenance, reproduction and repair. Proteins can be obtained from a number of sources. 

Animal-based proteins such as chicken, lamb, turkey, beef, fish and egg have complete amino acid profiles. (Please note: Do not give your pet raw eggs. Raw egg white contains avidin, an anti-vitamin that interferes with the metabolism of fats, glucose, amino acids and energy.) 
Protein is also found in vegetables, cereals and soy, but these are considered incomplete proteins.

3. Fats are the most concentrated form of food energy, providing your pet with more than twice the energy of proteins or carbohydrates. Fats are essential in the structure of cells and are needed for the production of some hormones. 

They are required for absorption and utilization of fat-soluble vitamins. Fats provide the body insulation and protection for internal organs. Essential fatty acids must be provided in a pet’s diet because they cannot be synthesized by a cat in sufficient amounts. 
A deficiency of essential fatty acids may result in reduced growth or increased skin problems. Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid for cats. Arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, is also essential for cats for the maintenance of the skin and coat, for kidney function and for reproduction.

4. Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids
play a vital role in healing inflammation. Replacing some omega-6 with omega-3 fatty acids can lessen an inflammatory reaction—whether it is in the skin (due to allergies), the joints (from arthritis), the intestines (from inflammatory bowel disease) or even in the kidneys (from progressive renal failure).

5. Carbohydrates provide energy for the body’s tissues, play a vital role in the health of the intestine, and are likely to be important for reproduction. While there is no minimum carbohydrate requirement, there is a minimum glucose requirement necessary to supply energy to critical organs (i.e. the brain). 

Fibers are kinds of carbohydrates that modify the mix of the bacterial population in the small intestine, which can help manage chronic diarrhea. For cats to obtain the most benefit from fiber, the fiber source must bemoderately fermentable. 
Fiber sources that have low fermentability (e.g. cellulose) result in poor development and less surface area of the intestinal mucosa. Highly fermentable fibers can produce gases and by-products that can lead to flatulence and excess mucus.

Moderately fermentable fibers—including beet pulp, which is commonly used in cat foods—are best, as they promote a healthy gut while avoiding the undesirable side effects. 

Other examples of moderately fermentable fibers include brans (corn, rice and wheat) and wheat middlings. Foods that are high in fiber are not good for cats with high energy requirements, such as those who are young and growing.

6. Vitamins are catalysts for enzyme reactions. Tiny amounts of vitamins are essential to cats for normal metabolic functioning. Most vitamins cannot be synthesized in the body, and therefore are essential in the diet.

When feeding a complete and balanced diet, it is unnecessary to give a vitamin supplement unless a specific vitamin deficiency is diagnosed by a veterinarian. Due to the practice of over supplementation, hypervitaminosis—poisoning due to excess vitamins—is more common these days than hypovitaminosis, or vitamin deficiency! (Note: I give my cats “Nutro” which gives them a strong immune system)
Excess vitamin A may result in bone and joint pain, brittle bones and dry skin. Excess vitamin D may result in very dense bones, soft tissue calcification and joint calcification.

Minerals are inorganic compounds that are not metabolized and yield no energy. These nutrients cannot be synthesized by animals and must be provided in the diet. In general, minerals are most important as structural constituents of bones and teeth, for maintaining fluid balance and for their involvement in many metabolic reactions.

Diet is the brick and mortar of health. This article lays out some often ignored principles of feline nutrition and explains why cats have a better chance at optimal health if they are fed pet canned food (or a balanced homemade diet) instead of dry kibble.

Putting a little thought into what you feed your cat(s) can pay big dividends over their lifetime and very possibly help them avoid serious, painful, and costly illnesses. 

An increasing number of nutrition savvy veterinarians, including board-certified veterinary internists, are now strongly recommending the feeding of canned food instead of dry kibble.

The three key negative issues associated with dry food are:

1) water content is too low
2) carbohydrate load is too high
3) type of protein – too high in plant-based versus animal-based proteins

In addition, dry food is very heavily processed which includes being subjected to high temperatures for a long time resulting in alteration and destruction of nutrients.

Dry food is also often contaminated with bacteria, fungal mycotoxins, storage mites/cockroaches and their feces, etc.

Most people who are concerned about their own nutrition have heard nutritionists say “shop the perimeter of the grocery store.” This statement refers to the push to get humans to focus on fresh food – not overly processed food found in boxes and cans.

Also keep in mind that dry foods are not refrigerated and they sit in warm warehouses, on pet store shelves, and in your cupboards for weeks or months before your pets consume them. Fats can easily become rancid, and bacteria will proliferate, in this type of environment.

There is no doubt that dry food is responsible for far more intestinal problems, and other diseases, than most veterinarians and cat owners realize.

Common medical problems associated with dry food:

  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Cystitis/Urethral blockage/Urinary tract infection/Crystals
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Hairballs
  • Obesity
  • Hepatic Lipidosis (fatty liver disease)
  • Dental health
  • Asthma

Here are some of the most common ingredients:

  • Meat: Cleaned flesh from chicken, lamb, turkey, cattle, and related animals that have been slaughtered specifically for animal feed purposes. However, flesh means more than skin. It may include muscle, (including the diaphragm), fat, nerves, blood vessels from the skin, the heart, esophagus, and the tongue.
  • Meat by-product: Clean, nonflesh parts from the same animals mentioned above. This can include the blood, bone, brain, liver, lungs, liver, kidneys, and emptied stomach and intestines. There are no hooves, hair, horns, or teeth in meat byproducts. Chicken by-products are feather-free.
  • Beef tallow: A fat made from beef.
  • Meal: Finely ground tissue.
  • Bone meal: Finely ground bone from slaughtered feed animals.
  • Fish meal: Clean, ground undecomposed whole fish or fish pieces. The fish may or may not still contain fish oil.
  • Ground corn: Chopped or ground corn kernels. This is a GMO product and should not be eaten by cats…it can cause allergies and even cancer.
  • Corn gluten meal: A product that forms after corn syrup or starch is made. This also should not be eaten by cats as it can cause an overload of surgars/carbs which can cause diabetes or obesity.

Focus on Nutrients, Not Ingredients

This is where the label’s “Guaranteed Analysis” comes into play. It lists nutrients found in cat food.

Everyone’s lives are different and there are several ways to successfully feed your cat high quality nutrition. 

The goal of this article is to arm you with knowledge regarding the special dietary needs of your cat so you can make an informed decision on how and what to feed while striking a balance that works for both of you.



How to Save Money on Pet Care

Like our children, we give our pets our hearts, our time, and … our money. In fact, lots of money. In 2014, American pet parents spent $64.2 billion dollars on their furry friends.

For many of us our pets are priceless, and we enjoy spoiling them with toys and treats, however, no one can pass up the opportunity to save some money. Below are suggestions to help you save money on pet care

I am sure you have heard about how many people have had to give up their pets because they could no longer afford them. It has been a heartbreaking reality for many Americans, but it might not be as hopeless as it seems. You might be surprised at the many ways that you can reduce the cost of caring for your pet.

Shelter and Animal Rescue Groups
Adopt a pet from the Shelter or Rescue Group. Pets are significantly less expensive than a pet from a private breeder. You may be purchasing your pet from a “puppy mill” where the dog or cat has been in a cage for its entire life. Many have health & behavior issues.

Shelter and Rescue animals are typically spayed or neutered, vaccinated, micro-chipped and licensed before adoption, reducing some initial pet costs. Also, some people feel that mixed breed pets are healthier than purebred pets, possibly reducing future vet costs. For a list of Shelters and Rescue Groups click here.

Health Care
Do NOT go “cheap” on health care. Proper, quality health care is essential to the well-being of your pet. Find a reputable veterinarian, take his or her advice, and practice preventative care, and you will safely save money in the long term on pet health care. 
Ask your veterinarian to show you how to do some of the routine pet care procedures, such as trimming nails and brushing teeth. Regularly performing these maintenance procedures will reduce your trips to the vet clinic.

Consider Pet Insurance 

For a small, worthwhile, monthly fee, pet health insurance can cover the cost of preventative medicine and the treatment of illness and injury. In just 60 seconds you can request a quote and help a homeless pet with your “click”. You can also find out how Healthy Paws is beneficial for your pet and you, by providing them with pet insurance that is very affordable.

For major health problems, consider taking your pet to a teaching hospital / veterinary college. Often costs are not as extreme in these facilities, because patients are in high demand to teach students. These hospitals also utilize state-of-the-art procedures and medicines, which may be experimental and less expensive.

Spay and Neuter

Spaying and neutering will reduce or prevent your pet from straying from your home; reducing injuries such as cat and dog fight wounds, infectious diseases, and unwanted pregnancies. Spaying and neutering also reduces the risk of some cancers and infections.

To read more about all the health benefits for your pet  (besides the obvious) click here.


Your pet truly does not care about the brand or cuteness of his toys. Be creative. Cats love to play with rolled up pieces of paper, plastic rings off milk cartons, pens, and dogs love to play catch, tug of war, and the list goes on. Before paying big bucks, evaluate why you are buying extras, such as fancy beds. Does your pet really care if the bed is cashmere?


Food is another category where it does not pay to go “cheap”. Generic or low-quality foods do not provide the nutrients your pet needs, which may lead to future expensive health problems. Your pet will eat a smaller amount of a high quality food than a lower quality food, again reducing costs. Read the shocking ingredients in pet foods and the dangers it poses on your pets.

Take Classes

The Red Cross offers pet first aid courses. Sign up for these classes, learn how to administer first aid to help your pet through times of minor injury, and save on vet bills.

Take a grooming class, or read a how-to book about grooming to save costs on maintaining your long haired cats (and prevent hairballs) and also prevent matting on your pets by brushing and combing, which is also a great bonding experience for you both.

Look for Deals

Shop for pet supplies through wholesale catalogs. This will save you the middle-man mark up of pet stores.

Your veterinarian and other pet businesses may have specials during pet awareness periods.

February is National Pet Dental Month, the second week of May is National Pet Week, and October is National Pet Wellness Month.


RankingYour Favorite Pets By Annual Cost: Can You Afford A Pet?

Animal Shelters and Rescue Groups

Nationwide List of Shelters and Rescue Groups

Animal shelters and rescue groups are your best source for a new pet. Did you know that shelters and rescues – large and small – always have a great selection of animals looking for new homes?

You can find cats and dogs, birds, small animals and even pure bred pets that are looking for their furever home.

Contact the Rescue Groups and No Kill Shelters below before surrendering your pet.

Rescue Groups and many Shelters have Foster Homes for your pet which provides them with a loving home environment until they get adopted. 
When Adopting from a Shelter, you will have saved a precious life.

The majority of these rescue groups have Adoption Events where you can meet the animals up for adoption. Click on their site to see locations and times.

Most of these wonderful animals live in foster homes which provides them with a loving home environment while they’re waiting for their forever home.

Have you ever considered fostering an animal or would like information about fostering? If so, click here for 10 Reasons to Foster a Pet.

If you are surrendering your pet, there are things you should know BEFORE giving your pet to a Rescue Group. Please click here for that important information.


When you find the pet you want from a Rescue Group online, please make sure that you receive the necessary spay/neuter papers, vaccination records along with the microchip information when adopting BEFORE taking the pet.

DO NOT meet at a store or on the corner to get your pet.

Most reputable groups have adoption events where you can meet and greet their pets. 

When you select your furry forever friend, the groups will want to do a “home check” for the safety of the animal eg. a large dog should have a backyard to play in and not be couped up in a small apartment and a cat should be indoors only.

If you adopt a small Chihuahua or other toy breed there really shouldn’t be any small children in the household who could accidentally injure the animal with their playfulness.

PetFinders The virtual home of 373,378 adoptable pets from 13,743 adoption groups.

*NOTE: So many people have in mind a specific breed that they would like to have (like Malteses, Dobermans, English Bulldogs, etc), and they think the only option is to go to a breeder. 

This is of course NOT TRUE.

It is important to understand that there are so many breed specific rescues all over the world, and using the Internet, it is so easy to find and ADOPT a dog of your favorite breed (pure breed or a mixed breed dogs).

The best websites for finding dog & cats by breeds:

Adopt-a-Pet.com (Facebook)

Adopt-a-Pet (Website)

Petfinder.com (Facebook)

Petfinder (Website)

Pet Harbor Nationwide Database for Shelters and Rescue Groups including Canada Lost your Pet? 
Our Lost Pet Postcards service will send hundreds of postcards to the area where your pet was lost. All you have to do is perform a LOST pet search on PetHarbor and follow the prompts.

The Pets for The Elderly Foundation Phone: 480-625-4679 Contact: Susan Kurowski (Executive Director)

Their mission is to provide companionship to senior individuals through pet ownership, while saving the lives of companion animals in shelters; animals which might otherwise be destroyed due to lack of appropriate homes, and space limitations.

The Shelter Pet Project
For a List of Shelters/Rescue Groups by City/State

Yorkie Rescue Listed by the State

9 Rescue Groups That Specialize In Saving SPECIAL NEEDS Dogs

As rescue pets become more and more common family members in today’s households, it’s wonderful to know that there are rescues and shelters out there advocating for, rescuing, and adopting out dogs with all kinds of disabilities.

House with a Heart SENIOR Pet Sanctuary
6409 Stream Valley Way Gaithersburg, Maryland 20882

For a List of Shelters/Rescue Groups by City/State:

Yorkie Rescue Listed by the State

Abandoned Pet Rescue 1137 NE 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida – Broward County

Come by Monday thru Sunday from 12:00 – 5:00 PM to visit our facility, meet our animals and fill out an adoption application.

Colorado Vets Adopt Pets

Support for U.S. Military Veterans Adopting Shelter Pets for Companion Animal or Service Dog needs. Our role is to pull together the many organizations, information and resources that exist to enable Veterans to enjoy a Companion Animal adopted from a pet shelter. Vets Adopt Pets facilitates Shelter Pet Adoptions to thank Veterans for their service to us, our families – to all of America.

Animal Rescue Organization Facebook Page

Phone: 1-310-880-1416 8950 W. Olympic Blvd. #525, Los Angeles, CA 90211

They have many video’s of rescuing these helpless animals, which are a “must see”! Click on their website or their Facebook page above, to view.

“We save stray animals from the streets to the deserts and all neighborhoods in between who are facing a life of misery and imminent death.”

North Shore Animal League America 

(516) 883-7575 25 Davis Avenue, Port Washington, NY 11050

Pet Rescue Inc. (201) 450-5992 (pet needing rescued only)

Pet ResQ Inc (mail) 24 W Railroad Ave. Tenafly, NJ 07670
“Within The Heart of Every Stray Lies the Singular Desire to be LOVED!”

The Putnam Humane Society (845) 225-7777 Open 7 days a week.
68 Old Route 6, Carmel, NY

The Shelter Project For a List of Shelters/Rescue Groups by State

List of Animal Shelters and Rescue Groups (Las Vegas, NV and surrounding areas)

If you found something of value on this page, please pass it on to your family and friends.
Animal News, Hero Chihuahua Finds Missing Girls

Hero Chihuahua Finds Missing Girls in the Woods

Hero Chihuahua Finds Missing Girls in the Woods

A 3-year-old chihuahua named Bell is an unexpected hero after finding three young girls who became lost for hours in the woods in Newnan, Georgia.

CBS Atlanta reports that, 8-year-old Carlie and 5-year-old Lacey Parga went for a walk with their dog Lucy down a cul-de-sac on trails near their neighborhood.

What started as a casual stroll became an unintended, and at times frightening, experience. As Carlie tells CBS, ‘”We tried to find our way out of the woods. We kept following paths and stuff and we got lost.” Indeed, they became scared that they were only to get more and more lost.

Carlie’s father, David Parga, noted that it wasn’t characteristic of them to wander off and, after searching for them but not hearing them respond, he contacted police and firefighters. Neighbors joined them including Carvin Young who thought to take Bell, who plays with the girls every day and knew their scent. Bell was able to lead searchers to the girls.

As Young tells CBS, “Bell sniffed them out. She smelled them, her tail went to wagging and she kept running and running until she got to them. She started jumping up on me and I knew we were close.”

The girls were scared but no one was hurt.

One small dog who lives near Atlanta can now be called a rescuer, and a successful one at that — plus, Bell’s finding the missing children is a reminder of why it’s not a bad idea for kids to get to know the neighborhood dogs.

For an Extensive List of “No Kill” Shelters and Animal Rescue Groups click here

Dogs, Cats, Bunnies, Ferrets and Birds can be adopted from the Humane Society, ASPCA, bred, adopted from a Rescue Group or rescued off the street, their contribution to the household they are in, is invaluable.
Animal News, Loyal Dog is with Owner Even in Death

Loyal Dog Stays by Owner’s Grave for Six Years

German shepherd is unwilling to leave his owner, even in deathSince 2006, a German shepherd named “Capitan,” has stood vigil by the grave of his deceased owner, Miguel Guzman, in the town of  Villa Carlos Paz, central Argentina.
According to Thursday’s publication of The Daily Mail, Capitan ran away from his family home shortly after Guzman died.

Days passed and when Capitan could not be found, the surviving family members assumed that their dog had died.

But a short time later, they learned the truth – Capitan was not dead; he had sought out the companionship of the man who he gave his heart to, the now deceased, Miguel Guzman.

Somehow Capitan found the cemetery where Guzman was buried, even though the dog had never been taken there.

The family, visiting Miguel’s grave a short time later, found Capitan in the cemetery – they described him as “wailing, as if he were crying.”

Though the family tried to take Capitan home, the dog always returned to the grave where his person was buried – standing vigil.

The cemetery director shared Capitan’s loyal ritual:

‘He turned up here one day, all on his own, and started wandering all around the cemetery until he eventually found the tomb of his master.

‘During the day he sometimes has a walk around the cemetery, but always rushes back to the grave. And every day, at six o’clock sharp, he lies down on top of the grave stays there all night.’

Family members have repeatedly attempted to bring Capitan home, but he always returns to Miguel’s side.

Now, years later, staff at the cemetery ensures that Capitan is taken care of, knowing that the dedicated dog will not leave his owner.

Man’s best friend, even in death.

Loyal: Capitan has not left the side of Miguel Guzman’s grave since 2006 – and sleeps on top of it every night